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Collection, Delivery and Transport

The items won at auction can be collected during the ongoing auction and in the subsequent days at our premises located at Klösterligasse 4 in Zofingen.  In addition to the hammer price, we charge you a surcharge of 23 % of the hammer price. On this surcharge, as well as on further services on our part (packing, dispatch, export declarations etc.) a value added tax (VAT) of 8.1 % is also due. The items will be provided unpackaged. Payment at the auction house is only possible in cash and in Swiss Francs (CHF) or by Debit card. Credit cards as well as cheques are not accepted.

Collection and payment must be completed within 14 days of the end of the auction. Payment can be made either in cash or by Debit card at the auction house or by bank transfer in CHF with fees at your expense. No other payment methods such as credit cards or PayPal are accepted. The collection is only possible after receipt of payment on our account. After this period, uncollected items will be stored at the buyer’s expense (CHF 1.- per day per item). If your auctioned items are a large number of lots or very large objects, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance to avoid longer waiting times.

Packaging, shipping, and transport are at the risk, peril, and expense of the buyer/recipient. Shipping of fragile objects is only possible with restrictions, and the decision on this is at the discretion of the Zofingen auction house. The shipping order must be registered with the bidding order or requested by e-mail immediately after receipt of the invoice. The packaging and freight costs incurred will be charged with our invoice or separately by the chosen service provider according to the effort involved. Transport companies & carriers are requested to pack the items to be transported independently.  Courier deliveries are to be organized by the buyer, including the necessary shipping documents, on their account and customer number, with the Zofingen auction house being informed in advance about the pick-up.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Contact for shipping offers

Art Verpackung Solution
Samir Jasarevic

+41 76 390 47 77
[email protected]

Specialized in shipping to China:
M&J-Ji Hansheng

+32 46 818 48 78
[email protected]
Payment via WeChat is available upon request

For larger items that are not suitable for postal shipping, we recommend the following transport companies:

If the buyer submits a Swiss customs-stamped export declaration within 30 days of the auction and the tax per invoice exceeds CHF 60, any applicable VAT on the buyer’s premium/commission and hammer price will be refunded. Objects are auctioned on behalf of third parties, as per our auction terms and conditions (points 2 and 11).


Shipping costs include packaging and postage fees, with a minimum of CHF 30 for Switzerland and CHF 60 for international shipments (actual costs determined by effort).

Please note that for international shipments, recipients are solely responsible for all applicable customs duties, import taxes (VAT/TVA), and any additional fees imposed by their country.

For items that the auction house cannot package and ship, we recommend the following companies:

Contact for shipping offers: Your Special Delivery Service Art Verpackung Solution
Samir Jasarevic
[email protected] [email protected]
+41 44 500 22 56 +41 76 390 47 77

Postage Switzerland:
Die Schweizerische Post, Priority & Economy

Postage abroad:
Die Schweizerische Post, Priority
Die Schweizerische Post, Economy

Auktionshaus Zofingen AG disclaims any liability for the information provided (declared) at customs regarding age, value, provenance, etc., during import and export, as well as for the taxes and fees calculated and due based on this information and their accurate settlement with customs and tax authorities. Please note the regulations in effect since June 1, 2005, concerning the KGTG (Cultural Property Transfer Act) and the federal law CITES (O.453 BG CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora); since October 1, 2013, it governs the control of legal trade in products made from protected animal and plant species.


Shipping orders will only be efected after full incoming payments (including forwarding expenses). The payment must be made free of costs in Swiss Francs as SEPA payment “OUR” (all fees at your expenses)


Collection, Delivery and Transport

The items won at auction can be collected during the ongoing auction and in the subsequent days at our premises located at Klösterligasse 4 in Zofingen.  In addition to the hammer price, we charge you a surcharge of 23 % of the hammer price. On this surcharge, as well as on further services on our part (packing, dispatch, export declarations etc.) a value-added tax (VAT) of 8.1% is also due. The items will be provided unpackaged. Payment at the auction house is only possible in cash and in Swiss Francs (CHF) or by Debit card. Credit cards as well as cheques are not accepted.

Collection and payment must be completed within 14 days of the end of the auction. Payment can be made either in cash or by Debit card at the auction house or by bank transfer in CHF with fees at your expense. No other payment methods such as credit cards or PayPal are accepted. The collection is only possible after receipt of payment on our account. After this period, uncollected items will be stored at the buyer’s expense (CHF 1.- per day per item). If your auctioned items are a large number of lots or very large objects, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance to avoid longer waiting times.

Packaging, shipping, and transport are at the risk, peril, and expense of the buyer/recipient. Shipping of fragile objects is only possible with restrictions, and the decision on this is at the discretion of the Zofingen auction house. The shipping order must be registered with the bidding order or requested by e-mail immediately after receipt of the invoice. The packaging and freight costs incurred will be charged with our invoice or separately by the chosen service provider according to the effort involved. Transport companies & carriers are requested to pack the items to be transported independently.  Courier deliveries are to be organized by the buyer, including the necessary shipping documents, on their account and customer number, with the Zofingen auction house being informed in advance about the pick-up.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Contact for shipping offers

Art Verpackung Solution
Samir Jasarevic

+41 76 390 47 77
[email protected]

Specialized in shipping to China:
M&J-Ji Hansheng

+32 46 818 48 78
[email protected]
Payment via WeChat is available upon request

For larger items that are not suitable for postal shipping, we recommend the following transport companies:

If the buyer submits a Swiss customs-stamped export declaration within 30 days of the auction and the tax per invoice exceeds CHF 60, any applicable VAT on the buyer’s premium/commission and hammer price will be refunded. Objects are auctioned on behalf of third parties, as per our auction terms and conditions (points 2 and 11).


Shipping costs include packaging and postage fees, with a minimum of CHF 30 for Switzerland and CHF 60 for international shipments (actual costs determined by effort).

Please note that for international shipments, recipients are solely responsible for all applicable customs duties, import taxes (VAT/TVA), and any additional fees imposed by their country.

For items that the auction house cannot package and ship, we recommend the following companies:

Art Verpackung Solution
Samir Jasarevic
+41 76 390 47 77
[email protected]

Your Special Delivery Service
0041 (0) 44 500 22 56
[email protected]

Specialized in shipping to China:
M&J-Ji Hansheng

+32 46 818 48 78
[email protected]
Payment via WeChat is available upon request

Postage Switzerland:
Die Schweizerische Post, Priority & Economy

Postage abroad:
Die Schweizerische Post, Priority
Die Schweizerische Post, Economy

Auktionshaus Zofingen AG disclaims any liability for the information provided (declared) at customs regarding age, value, provenance, etc., during import and export, as well as for the taxes and fees calculated and due based on this information and their accurate settlement with customs and tax authorities. Please note the regulations in effect since June 1, 2005, concerning the KGTG (Cultural Property Transfer Act) and the federal law CITES (O.453 BG CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora); since October 1, 2013, it governs the control of legal trade in products made from protected animal and plant species.


Shipping orders will only be efected after full incoming payments (including forwarding expenses). The payment must be made free of costs in Swiss Francs as SEPA payment “OUR” (all fees at your expenses)


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