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Emma Kunz

Emma Kunz (1892-1963) fascinates. She worked as a researcher and naturopath and was attracted by invisible forces. An important working tool was the pendulum. She used it for medical and artistic purposes. In 1941 she found rock with healing powers…

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Ted Scapa

Artist, publisher and television presenter: Ted Scapa (*1931) has many talents. He became nationally known as the host of the children's program Spielhaus. But limiting him to this role does not do him justice. The native Dutchman made a name…

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Rümligen Castle

There are many stories about Rümligen Castle. In 1709, the Bernese schoolmaster and general Samuel Frisching (1638-1721) acquired it and had it converted from a castle into a baroque palace. The 70,000-square-meter property has remained closed to the public until…

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Hans Erni (Lot 3036)

HANS ERNI (1909 - 2015) «La fête champêtre », 1960 Acryl auf Leinwand, 199 x 450 cm Dieses Bild ist neben dem 91 Meter langen Wandgemälde "Die Schweiz - das Ferienland der Völker" der Landesausstellung 1939 das grösste je vom Künstler…

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Fine Art

Fine art is our unofficial supreme discipline. Around a third of the auction lots are always devoted to art in all its facets. The selection we offer is divided into international as well as Swiss paintings, drawings and watercolours. Furthermore,…

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Faience tableware, which experienced a heyday in the 18th century, is closely related to porcelain. The Strasbourg Hannong factories are a particularly interesting example, which produced very high-quality tableware with superb painting in large quantities. Countless Strasbourg faiences found their…

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The young Thuringian apothecary apprentice Johann Friedrich Böttger (1682-1719) was looking for the fabled "philosopher's stone" and was engaged in making gold. He was allegedly successful in this field. This sensation came to the attention of Elector Friedrich III. Always…

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Antique Glass

The art of making fine glass is ancient. Already the Egyptians, Babylonians, and of course, the Greeks and Romans were fascinated by this material. Venice has set the tone in glass production since the Middle Ages. But glass manufacturers on…

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Furniture and furnishings of all kinds are contemporary witnesses of both older and more recent eras. They tell of life in the past, of the development of comfort. Humans have always been very inventive when it comes to designing their…

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